Today, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon Johnson signing the war on poverty bill passed by congress. The Republicans are declaring that the war failed for we still have poverty. The Democrats are claiming that America's poverty rate was 26% in 1964 and it is 16% today. There seems to a mood in our country to view anyone receiving disability or food stamps or medicaid as getting a benefit they don't deserve. This is in direct opposition to those who believe the government should do more to fight poverty. This goes deeper than just this issue though. It boils down to the role of government.
We have so much debate about the passing of the Affordable Care Act, the size of Medicare and Social Security, and the programs provided by government. When did Medicare and Social Security become an entitlement? Employers pay into the system on behalf of the employees and employees also make payments into the system. I do not call this an entitlement. We earn that benefit by paying taxes. The problem seems to be a feeling that some receive benefits they don't deserve. It is ironic on the day we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the War on Poverty, we have 75 policemen and firemen in New York who are arrested for fraud for filling and collecting funds relating to injuries they claim they have as a result of 911.
Also on this same day, the U S Senate passed a bill to restore benefits to the 4 million chronically unemployed in this country who lost those benefits in the budget settlement passed by Congress before Christmas.
We are hearing about the redistribution of wealth also. Those who advocate this want to raise the minimum wage and tax those who are "rich" more. On the other hand, there are those who want to lower tax rates expecting that to stimulate growth. We seem to have the battle pro business vs pro welfare.
FACT: There will always be those who seek to defraud any type of assistance offered to those who cannot help themselves. There will always be those who live below the poverty line.
QUESTION: What should be done? Should we eliminate all government programs relating to assistance for the poor and those who cannot work? Should the government do more to help? Should the government rely on Churches to do the work they have been doing?
The ideal situation would be for all of us to pitch in and help. The ideal situation that all able bodied people would get a job and be a supporting person rather than a drain. The ideal situation would be to eliminate poverty. The ideal situation would be no governmental assistance.
The ideal situation has not nor will it ever exist for as long as there are people, there will be needs. Yet, we need to learn how to meet these needs that is beneficial to those who provide and those who are need. I know that sounds crass but it is true. Continuing to tax and incur debt as a nation will destroy our nation and then where will we be?
We need the nonprofit organizations and those individuals who see the need and find ways to meet the needs. These organizations are greatly underfunded and understaffed. Yet, this is where the rubber meets the road. Those who work and volunteer in these organizations are doing more than government programs can do. Yes, even this can be abused by those who seek to take advantage of people's generosity.
I am more upset that people who need help don't get because we are so inclined to stereotype those in need as lazy, alcoholics, and undeserving because they are not working. This is so true in America's Christian Churches who are commanded by Christ to care for the hungry, the homeless, and the sick. As a pastor, I saw many battles and heard many statements made by church members who were angry more about those who received benefits for they felt those who received the benefits did not deserve them.
Throwing money at a problem or a situation does not resolve the problem. It seems to make it worse. There has to be a better way. So, can we stop the pushing and the shoving over deserves what and find ways to do what is right? I pray so.
Think about it.
The Ethical Journal
Thoughts, observations, and insights about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Sunday, January 5, 2014
The Springfield News-Leader, our local newspaper, is an excellent paper. I really enjoy the opinion section of the paper where people write in about the subjects that matter most to them. I am amazed how many writers support their views with the Bible and/or the Constitution of the United States. Many of them clamor for a literal interpretation of both. I wonder how many of them have read the Bible from cover to cover or the Constitution from article to article and amendments too.
Here is one of my favorite parables of Jesus. All I ask is that you read it,
Luke 12
New Living Translation (NLT)
13 Then someone called from the crowd, “Teacher, please tell my brother to divide our father’s estate with me.”14 Jesus replied, “Friend, who made me a judge over you to decide such things as that?” 15 Then he said, “Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.”
16 Then he told them a story: “A rich man had a fertile farm that produced fine crops. 17 He said to himself, ‘What should I do? I don’t have room for all my crops.’ 18 Then he said, ‘I know! I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones. Then I’ll have room enough to store all my wheat and other goods.19 And I’ll sit back and say to myself, “My friend, you have enough stored away for years to come. Now take it easy! Eat, drink, and be merry!”’20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get everything you worked for?’
21 “Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.”
Teaching about Money and Possessions
22 Then, turning to his disciples, Jesus said, “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear. 23 For life is more than food, and your body more than clothing. 24 Look at the ravens. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for God feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than any birds! 25 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? 26 And if worry can’t accomplish a little thing like that, what’s the use of worrying over bigger things?
27 “Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 28 And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?
29 “And don’t be concerned about what to eat and what to drink. Don’t worry about such things.30 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world, but your Father already knows your needs. 31 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.
32 “So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.
33 “Sell your possessions and give to those in need. This will store up treasure for you in heaven! And the purses of heaven never get old or develop holes. Your treasure will be safe; no thief can steal it and no moth can destroy it. 34 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.
It's 14F degrees in Springfield, MO. The skies are hazy, the ground, houses, trees, cars, and anything else outside is covered with a white blanket of fresh snow. We have as much as nine inches in some areas. The winds are blowing between 23-30 MPH making the temperature feel like -5F degrees. It's Sunday so most all of the churches cancelled their services. No one is whizzing by on the streets as normal. In fact, the traffic is dead. In Green Bay, Wisconsin, it is 9F degrees with a wind chill of -5F degrees. Today, fans and players will gather at Lambeau field to watch an NFL play off game between the Green Bay Packers and the San Francisco 49'ers. This could be the coldest game ever played in NFL history. Question: If it is too cold to go to church in Springfield, why isn't it too cold to play in Green Bay where the forecast states the wind chill temperatures may be like -51F degrees?
When it rains, they postpone a baseball game and cover the field with tarps. When it rains, tennis matches are cancelled or postponed until the rain stops. Golfers don't play in the rain. Why do we sit in the stands and watch football players slug it out in rainy, muddy weather? Is there something I am missing here?
Life is filled with paradoxes, oxymorons, and hyperboles. What makes us do the things we do? What are the motivations for sitting in the stands in freezing weather to watching a game of football? Is it a love of the game? Is it loyalty to the teams playing? I once attended an NFL game on my birthday in St. Louis when the temperature was like the weather in Springfield, Mo today. I wore so many clothes that I could barely walk. Even with a heavy blanket, I was freezing. It took me a couple of days to thaw out. Why did I do it? Because the tickets were a gift and the person who bought them did it for my birthday. Would I do it again? NO WAY!
Not everyone is like me though. I am sure glad. We all do and say things that may seem odd, stupid, or unbelievable to others. I don't understand why people want to play football in freezing weather or raining weather for that matter. I don't understand why people want to go turkey hunting or deer hunting. I am not a gun owner but I am not opposed to owning guns. I don't like violence yet I enjoy murder mysteries. Explain that one! I can't. I am not a sports fan but yet from time to time I watch sports on TV or go to a game. I do read the sports section in the newspaper but I also pay attention to the opinions page and the front page too.
We all like to complain about our government and we scoff at the lack of inaction and the stalemates. We think Nancy Pelosi is crazy for stating that we had to pass the Affordable Care Act so we could see what was in it. Yet, we are all guilty of the same thing. We declare that the Bible condemns this or that but we never read it. We believe that Christmas is the time when Jesus was born. Once had a church member who told me that it was in the Bible that Jesus was born on December 25. He is still looking to prove his point.
Why do we accept some things so easily and scoff at others? Why do we condemn some things while we do something much worse? Here are the paradoxes we all have.
Jesus gave us some really good advice. Be careful how you judge others for you will be judged in the same way. Quit trying to point out the wrong in others for you should be making the changes in you that need to be made.
If people want to go sit in the freezing cold while the players play on a snow covered field, that is their choice. If someone wants to own a gun or go hunting for deer, that is their choice. Life is filled with choices. May we all learn to walk in the steps of Jesus.....that is what we should be concerned about the most.
Think about it.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Our typing class in high school had some IBM Selectric Typewriters and some manual Smith Corona Typewriters that I think were around when Abraham Lincoln attended school. We alternated typing on the different machines to prepare us for what we would encounter once we graduated. We practiced typing with the phrase, "It is time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."
"It's time" conveys a special moment. The Greeks called it Karios or a time when a special event happened. In Christian theology, the birth of Christ is considered Karios time or the time when God pushed through the atmosphere and entered into human form. Karios can be described like ripping down a door so you can enter a home. Force may be used to accomplish the goal. Karios time concerns events that bring about change. The Stock Market Crash of 1929 could be called Karios Time.
Chronos time occurs as we speak. Each tick of the clock passes and fades as quickly as a blink of an eye. Chronos time is an hour ago, a week ago, a year ago, five hundred years ago. We live in Chronos time of twenty hour days, seven days a week, 12 months a year. Chronos time will encounter karios time when an event is so special brings change to the way things are done or how we live. Chronos time records these karios special events in history. As time passes, these events are analyzed and immortalized. Leaders who make a difference are remembered. Leaders who bring grief and destruction are also remembered.
2014 is already ticking away in chronos time. What does 2014 hold in Karios time? Will there be more mass shootings? Terror attacks? What leadership changes will we see? When we see more states adopt same sex marriage? Will the ACA succeed? We will have to wait and allow chronos time pass and kairos time to unfold.
Yet, we all know that Karios time will come for we all live with hope or expectation that the future will be better than the past and the present will give some insight in what is to come. We take the next step not seeing clearly ahead for the bushes and briars of the past choke out the present so we must step carefully. We must break free of the things that prevent us from going forward. This may mean a change in our belief or a change in the way we may do a function or perform an action. We must not be afraid of change but yet we must not embrace change wildly without looking at it carefully. This is called living by faith with hope.
We cannot have karios times until we open our hearts, our minds, and our doors to the thoughts, the ideas, and experiments of others. Closed minds live in the past and fight to preserve yesterday without looking at the possibilities of tomorrow. May we open our eyes this year and behold the future as well as the past.
Think about it.
"It's time" conveys a special moment. The Greeks called it Karios or a time when a special event happened. In Christian theology, the birth of Christ is considered Karios time or the time when God pushed through the atmosphere and entered into human form. Karios can be described like ripping down a door so you can enter a home. Force may be used to accomplish the goal. Karios time concerns events that bring about change. The Stock Market Crash of 1929 could be called Karios Time.
Chronos time occurs as we speak. Each tick of the clock passes and fades as quickly as a blink of an eye. Chronos time is an hour ago, a week ago, a year ago, five hundred years ago. We live in Chronos time of twenty hour days, seven days a week, 12 months a year. Chronos time will encounter karios time when an event is so special brings change to the way things are done or how we live. Chronos time records these karios special events in history. As time passes, these events are analyzed and immortalized. Leaders who make a difference are remembered. Leaders who bring grief and destruction are also remembered.
2014 is already ticking away in chronos time. What does 2014 hold in Karios time? Will there be more mass shootings? Terror attacks? What leadership changes will we see? When we see more states adopt same sex marriage? Will the ACA succeed? We will have to wait and allow chronos time pass and kairos time to unfold.
Yet, we all know that Karios time will come for we all live with hope or expectation that the future will be better than the past and the present will give some insight in what is to come. We take the next step not seeing clearly ahead for the bushes and briars of the past choke out the present so we must step carefully. We must break free of the things that prevent us from going forward. This may mean a change in our belief or a change in the way we may do a function or perform an action. We must not be afraid of change but yet we must not embrace change wildly without looking at it carefully. This is called living by faith with hope.
We cannot have karios times until we open our hearts, our minds, and our doors to the thoughts, the ideas, and experiments of others. Closed minds live in the past and fight to preserve yesterday without looking at the possibilities of tomorrow. May we open our eyes this year and behold the future as well as the past.
Think about it.
Friday, December 27, 2013
This morning, I listened as Chuck Todd led a discussion on who are the most likely candidates for President in 2016. Chuck, don't jump the gun. We haven't even finished 2013 and we haven't had the 2014 congressional elections. Please spare us, news junkies and news commentators! Enough is enough. Here are my wishes for 2014.
- Cable stop showing the same show back to back on weekends and during the weekdays. Enough is enough. I like Law and Order: SUV but USA network and TBN and even the local fox station flood tv with these reruns. USA and TBN, please put some programming on your channels.
- All cable channels stop the REALITY SHOWS. Dog the Bounty Hunter, Storage Wars, Storage Wars: Texas, 19 children and counting, Rodeo Girls, Ax men, honey Bo Bo, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, American Hoggers, Duck Dynasty....shall I go on? The shows on cable television are not worth the money it costs.
- Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, and all other news stations drive me nuts with all of their news analysis shows. We hear the same topics day in and day out. For the last three years, we have heard about Obamacare and how it will fail. We have seen shows with very little to add to the discussion. We have commentators and politicians commenting on subjects they have researched or events or interviews they have not read or seen. Give us the facts not rhetoric.
Many Americans are now turning off cable to save the expense. Local channels are free. With the correct indoor antenna, it is possible to listen to all the major networks and PBS. What more do we need?
There are other reasons to get rid of cable besides the money saved. There is the noise factor. We all need time to think and meditate so having less channels will mean less noise in our lives. It will also allow us to be less influenced by the Rush Limbaugh, Chris Matthews, Bill O'Rileys on tv.
I do not advocate eliminating tv altogether, but I do advocate watching less tv and do more reading, research, and talking face to face with others. I plan to make this my new years resolution. Less TV and internet and more interaction in personal relationships is my slogan for the new year.
Think about it.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
The Springfield News-Leader, our local newspaper, had these headlines on the front page,
The color of Jesus' skin is not important. The date of Jesus' birth is not important. The exact site of Jesus' birth is not important. The differences in the events described by Matthew and Luke is not important.Whether the events Matthew and Luke are historical facts or a story is not important. Here are the facts I find important in this story:
LUKE 2:1-20 21ST CENTURY KING JAMES VERSIONThe color of Jesus' skin is not important. The date of Jesus' birth is not important. The exact site of Jesus' birth is not important. The differences in the events described by Matthew and Luke is not important.Whether the events Matthew and Luke are historical facts or a story is not important. Here are the facts I find important in this story:
- The Parents were not politicians or kings or any type of prominent people in that day. They were ordinary people. Joseph was a carpenter. He probably made farming tools, house parts, furniture, and kitchen utensils.
- They were not married when Jesus was conceived. Mary was a virgin.
- Jesus was born in a stable where animals were kept.
- The lineage of Jesus included non-Jews. One was Rahab, a harlot, who hid the spies in Jericho. The other was Ruth, the grandmother of David the King. Non-Jews came to see Jesus after his birth: the Magi or the Wisemen.
- The Priests and the Rulers were not there. In fact, King Herod sought to kill Jesus when he heard of the birth. The Priests were suppose to be God's representatives. They were suppose to be pure. They were the top class in those considered to be clean and pure for marriage. They could only marry other pure and clean Jews. Non priests or non Levites who were pure and clean were second class citizens who were free to marry other non Levites and priests. Illegitimate children of priests, half breed Jews, prostitutes, and other person who were unclean made up the third class of people. They could not marry Levites and Priests nor could they marry pure and clean nonLevite Jews. Unbarren parents, eunuchs, homosexuals, hermaphrodites were the fourth class of citizens. They were an abomination because they could not bare children. Gentiles was last. They could not marry any clean and pure Jew. They were heathens and unacceptable.
- The Shepherds were single men without children who did not inherit land from family. They were paid wages and often nomadic. They stayed with the herds both day and night. Although important to the economy, they were not considered the top of the A-list of the day.
The birth of Jesus shows that God so loved the world that God became human to show us the way to live. Jesus came so we could receive the Love, the joy, the peace, the gentleness, the kindness, the self-control, and patience to live in a world filled with stress, disappointments, depression, disease, destruction, and disasters. Jesus came to show us the foundation of life is love for God, others, self, and universe or God's creation. Jesus came for everyone not just Jews. Everyone includes persons regardless of gender, age, nationality, ethnicity, economic status, education level, and sexual orientation. This is the Good News for Tough Times.
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Season's Greetings!
Monday, December 23, 2013
Much has been written about Pope Francis, Phil Robertson, Megyn Kelly, and others who have expressed views that are controversial in a country that calls itself the "city on the hill" shining as the example of democracy and freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to own guns among other freedoms granted by the founding documents of the United States.
Phil Robertson is not a country bumpkin. He is a college educated businessman who has built an empire on the duck calls he created. Phil graduated with a Masters Degree in education from Louisiana Tech. Phil was the quarterback of the Louisiana Tech who was one year ahead of Terry Bradshaw. Terry stated that Phil was more interested in hunting than football. Phil had a chance to play professional football for the Washington Redskins, but turned it down.. Phil married his wife in 1966. They have four children. Robertson converted to Christianity at the age of 28. He is an active member of the Church of Christ.
Megyn Kelly is a well educated lawyer who has been a news commentator on Fox Years for several years. She has been married twice. She is a mother. She is Roman Catholic.
Pope Francis was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in 1936. He was ordained a priest in 1969 and is a member of the Jesuit order. He was a chemical technician and a bouncer before he entered the priesthood. On February 28, he was elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Since his election, he has gained praise for his concern for the poor. He chose to live a simpler life than previous popes. Some of his views on homosexuality and other practices of the Catholic church have led to his selection as Person of the Year by Time Magazine. There are those who refer to him as a Marxist for his views on economic inequality.
There are many others who have entered all of our lives this year for their remarks or actions. We have Sarah Palin, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, Pat Robertson, and even the President of the United States who have made statements that have become fodder for news pundits and sometimes erupted in protests.
In all of this heated discussion and debate, let us not forget that these individuals are people. They have all made statements that have inflamed us. We often resort to bully tactics to prove our point. I have heard commentators who have said the problem some have with Duck Dynasty is because they are folksy, down home, country bumpkins. Maybe so. Some point to GLAAD as driving the current outrage at Phil Robertson. Yet, we all forget that all of these individuals are people. All people are worth of love. God is love. God loves Pope Francis as much as God loves Phil Robertson. God loves Jews just as much as God loves Christians. God loves GLBT folks as much as God loves straight people. God loves Baptists as much as God loves Methodists. God loves Republicans as much as God loves Democrats.
No one is perfect. We all say things we wish we hadn't. Name calling, bullying, and the war on each other must stop though for this is not God's way. We need to recognize some realities about life and our country. We are made of all types of people. We have room in this country for gay people as well as straight people. We have room for Republicans as well as Democrats. Love is the key. Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela have shown the way. Jesus has called us to love not hate.
Brandon Wallace writes the blog "The Gay Christian" ( Brandon recently wrote about the way we have handled the divide that we feel exists in our country on issues like Gay Rights. He wrote the following:
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Phil Robertson |
Megyn Kelly is a well educated lawyer who has been a news commentator on Fox Years for several years. She has been married twice. She is a mother. She is Roman Catholic.
Pope Francis was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in 1936. He was ordained a priest in 1969 and is a member of the Jesuit order. He was a chemical technician and a bouncer before he entered the priesthood. On February 28, he was elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Since his election, he has gained praise for his concern for the poor. He chose to live a simpler life than previous popes. Some of his views on homosexuality and other practices of the Catholic church have led to his selection as Person of the Year by Time Magazine. There are those who refer to him as a Marxist for his views on economic inequality.
There are many others who have entered all of our lives this year for their remarks or actions. We have Sarah Palin, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, Pat Robertson, and even the President of the United States who have made statements that have become fodder for news pundits and sometimes erupted in protests.
In all of this heated discussion and debate, let us not forget that these individuals are people. They have all made statements that have inflamed us. We often resort to bully tactics to prove our point. I have heard commentators who have said the problem some have with Duck Dynasty is because they are folksy, down home, country bumpkins. Maybe so. Some point to GLAAD as driving the current outrage at Phil Robertson. Yet, we all forget that all of these individuals are people. All people are worth of love. God is love. God loves Pope Francis as much as God loves Phil Robertson. God loves Jews just as much as God loves Christians. God loves GLBT folks as much as God loves straight people. God loves Baptists as much as God loves Methodists. God loves Republicans as much as God loves Democrats.
No one is perfect. We all say things we wish we hadn't. Name calling, bullying, and the war on each other must stop though for this is not God's way. We need to recognize some realities about life and our country. We are made of all types of people. We have room in this country for gay people as well as straight people. We have room for Republicans as well as Democrats. Love is the key. Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela have shown the way. Jesus has called us to love not hate.
Brandon Wallace writes the blog "The Gay Christian" ( Brandon recently wrote about the way we have handled the divide that we feel exists in our country on issues like Gay Rights. He wrote the following:
"True, I do it for one because I really do believe they are wrong, and there is a lot of hurt and pain and abuse and suicide and murder that takes place because of the things that they teach about homosexuality. But, after some introspection, I also believe sometimes I do it because I still want to feed off of that drive to please the conservatives. I was reminded this morning of a verse Paul wrote: If I am trying to please people, I am no longer a servant of Christ (Gal. 1:10).
",,,if I can remind myself that they are brothers and sisters before God, just like anyone else, then I am more likely to lovingly discuss the topics with them, without it getting out of hand. Then, and only then, is Christ involved in the discussion. Love is the only force powerful enough to break down prejudice and bigotry. Just because we can sometimes scream louder than the other side doesn’t mean anyone is actually listening. The only time listening occurs is when things get quiet, you give your brother a cup of tea, and you ask them to share their story, their views, and you share yours as well."Thank you Brandon for sharing your insights. May we all see God's way is not our way!
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