- Cable stop showing the same show back to back on weekends and during the weekdays. Enough is enough. I like Law and Order: SUV but USA network and TBN and even the local fox station flood tv with these reruns. USA and TBN, please put some programming on your channels.
- All cable channels stop the REALITY SHOWS. Dog the Bounty Hunter, Storage Wars, Storage Wars: Texas, 19 children and counting, Rodeo Girls, Ax men, honey Bo Bo, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, American Hoggers, Duck Dynasty....shall I go on? The shows on cable television are not worth the money it costs.
- Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, and all other news stations drive me nuts with all of their news analysis shows. We hear the same topics day in and day out. For the last three years, we have heard about Obamacare and how it will fail. We have seen shows with very little to add to the discussion. We have commentators and politicians commenting on subjects they have researched or events or interviews they have not read or seen. Give us the facts not rhetoric.
Many Americans are now turning off cable to save the expense. Local channels are free. With the correct indoor antenna, it is possible to listen to all the major networks and PBS. What more do we need?
There are other reasons to get rid of cable besides the money saved. There is the noise factor. We all need time to think and meditate so having less channels will mean less noise in our lives. It will also allow us to be less influenced by the Rush Limbaugh, Chris Matthews, Bill O'Rileys on tv.
I do not advocate eliminating tv altogether, but I do advocate watching less tv and do more reading, research, and talking face to face with others. I plan to make this my new years resolution. Less TV and internet and more interaction in personal relationships is my slogan for the new year.
Think about it.
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