Monday, September 30, 2013



Mixed emotions is how I feel at this moment as we wait for the clock to strike midnight as our divided Congress and our President cannot agree on a budget, continuing resolution, or a debt ceiling.  Sides have been chosen and a great divide exists.  Reminds me of the words of  Jesus in Matthew 12, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

There is enough written and vocalized about this in the printed media and in the broadcast media so this is not about who it at fault.  My desire is not to express support of any particular point of view or endorse any political party.  My concern is the media and its influence on what we think and how that leads to the divisions we have.  My concern is the lack of  truth that often circulates in a situation like this.  It has been said that if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes real to you.  We deceive ourselves if we think that any one group completely understands the issues of what is happening now.  Most of us have never read or know what is in the Affordable Care Act.  So often, we become involved in a cause that is hot and we often choose the most popular side.  We live in a republic not a democracy.  A republic is a representative form of government.  We elect Senators and Representatives to make decisions about issues that influence our economy and our culture.  Many voices clamour to be heard and to control how government rules and finances its programs.

We seek to influence our Congress though emails, telephone calls, tweets, and any other methods we can find.  Our Congressman are concerned about reelection so they can continue in office.  Some of us feel that the federal government has become too strong and is usurping the authority reserved to the states and local governments.  Some believe that the federal government is not doing enough.  Somehow, I see our present condition like those days in High School when the jocks, the cheerleaders, and those who had the most were often the most popular.  Yet in the background, there were those who didn't have much, were not jocks, and were often bullied by the most popular into a non existence.  There is a form of bullying now in our adult lives.  We seek to control others through words and actions that tell those who are without and who are in the shadows they don't matter.

No doubt there is abuse and misuse of government and no doubt the pendulum is going to far in one direction so the chaos erupts where we draw lines in the sand that create the stalemate we now have that appears more like two rival gangs fighting over turf.  This warfare causes the decline of neighborhoods as residents fear the gangs.  Our country is in decline as the gangs of politicians continue to fight over control.  We the people have created this.  We elected these men and women to serve us and direct our country.

We encourage the "gang war", the "bullying", and the division because we are so easily influenced to join the gang to which we feel represents our views.  Yet, we don't take the time to see the problems and search for solutions on which we can agree.  There are 50 million people in this country who do not have insurance or 15% of the population.  Our unemployment rate is still above 7%.  Poverty in this country is anyone who makes less than $11,000 per year.  Yes, there are abuses of our government programs and yes we should find ways to prevent fraud while at the same time find ways to help those who need help.

To those who favor the government shutdown, please look at who will this effect and how much this will cost.  You will be paying the bill.  This will add to the national debt.  To those who do not want a government shutdown and are in favor of Obamacare, is there a way to change the law so average people will not penalized if they do not buy insurance?  To those who want to repeal Obamacare, what are you suggestions on making insurance more affordable?  The solution to this problem is stop the grandstanding, the rhetoric, and stop running for office and communicate with each other.  Have a conversation without shouting at each other.  We can do this and when we do, we will find solutions that will continue to show us the way to justice, showing mercy, and walking humbly before our God.

Think about it?

P. S.  We have too many football blowouts and too much entertainment news and too many news shows.  That is my complaint and I am sticking with it.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Ever go on a trip and get lost?  I have.  Especially when I move to a new community as a pastor.  The directions given to a person's house was confusing.  Some can't be found on a GPS.  I have go around in circles looking but I did discovered new roads and new ways to get around.

Listening to the news lately, I am lost again.  The President wants to attack Syria because Syrian Regime have used gas against the Rebel Forces.  Yet, we have not been attacked and really have no part in the civil war.  We have heard this before.  There was absolute proof that Saddam Hussein had chemical weapon stockpiles in Iraq.  We didn't find any but we lost many American lives discovering that fact.  Did Hussein ship these to Syria before our attack?  Did Assad really gas his people?  Or did the rebels or a fraction of rebels attack another fraction with chemical weapons to draw us into the conflict?  What we will we do after the "shot over the bow"?  What if we are attacked by Syria or Russia?  No other nations seems to be ready to fight with us on this issue.

We have a huge debt problem in our country that is continuing to grow.  We have Affordable Health Care Act that begins implementation October 1, 2013 and the law takes effect January 1, 2014.  What will this do to our economy?  Will we have a government shutdown if Congress cannot agree on increasing the debt limit?

What is the right thing to do?  As a Christian, what should or could I do?

  1. Seek God.  The conditions are laid down for us in II Chronicles 7:14, "Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land."   This is the time to seek God realizing that God is great, glorious, gracious, and good for when we bow before God knowing that we have not lived the way we should, God will give us the answers.
  2. Trust in God.  Proverbs 3:5,6 states "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do,and he will show you which path to take"  We need a national day of prayer.  Our President and our congress should call for a national day of prayer as we seek God's guidance for the direction of our country.
  3. Do the Right Thing.  Micah 6:8 states "No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good,
    and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy,and to walk humbly with your God.  When God shows us the right way, we should do it!
  4.  Pray for our leaders.  Paul instructed Timothy to pray for those who rule over us so that we might live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.
Proverbs 28:2
"When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability."


Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Ever read the paper, then watch the local news, and the national news back to back?  There are the local robberies, stabbings, shootings, and political wrangling.  Then we hear about gas prices rising and falling like a yo yo.  The national news is full of international crisis like the U. S. planning an attack on Syria or the bombings and deaths in Iraq.  Then we hear about shark attacks, wildfires burning, and murder trials.  Today, we heard about Ariel Castro, the man who kidnapped three women in Ohio, hanged himself in jail.  We are faced with all of this based on the public's right to know and freedom of the press.  Freedom of the press is a sacred and civil right.  Yet, all of the information about "scandals" in the government over the years leads us to believe that we don't know the truth and nothing but the truth about what happens in our government.  All of this cynicism we have developed gives us a deaf ear when it comes to news or it raises our blood pressure.

In the midst of all the bad news, we need some good news.  One would think that capturing the largest alligator of 727 pounds in Mississippi is good news so it was plastered on the local news and national news on television and in our local paper.  Then there is Diane Nyad who tried five times to swim from Cuba to Key West, FL and her fifth time was the charm.  She started when she was 28 and now at 64, she made it.  Way to go Diane!

This month we are bombarded with advertisements for the new fall television season as popular old shows return and new shows begin.  What we really should be concerned about is the number of commercials we have to endure to see 15 minutes of a program.  Oh well, there is always Netflix that seldom adds new movies and what they do add seems to be B and C grade movies.  Yes, you guessed it, I am cynical.  Is it to much to ask for a television show that makes me feel good when I am finished watching it?

Well, as old men go, I have decided that good news is all around us even on the days when bad news fills the printed page, the local news broadcast, and the national news broadcast.  Turn off the television.  Walk outside.  Feel the warmth of the sun and the breeze blowing in the early morning.  It is the beginning of a new day.  This is a day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.  Instead of letting the bad news fill your mind, turn on some music.  Listen to the sounds of God's gift to those who compose and those who play the music that speaks to the soul.  Read the Bible and allow God's Spirit to speak.  Worship the Lord God who is good, glorious, gracious, and great for God's unfailing love.  The time you spend doing this will fill you spirit with good news.

Think about it.


Sunday, September 1, 2013


Eight years ago, Sunday started out as a normal Sunday in Laurel, MS where I was serving as a pastor.  The sun's rays filled the morning as we prepared to worship, but we were told to get ready for the huge Hurricane headed our way.  Even though, we were 90 miles from the coast, this storm looked as though it could bring destruction our way.  Sunday afternoon the sky turned dark as the clouds ushered in rain and wind.  Throughout the night and the next day, it rained and the wind blew.  We had 130 MPH winds.  Trees popped and fell across roads, on houses, and in yards as our area also had 25 tornadoes touch down.  15 people were killed in our area.

When the storm stopped, we had destruction all around us.  Crews from Georgia Power came through clearing our streets.  There was no power, no electricity, and no phone service.  By Wednesday, I was able to get to the church.  I discovered that we had electricity, phones, and air conditioning.  Immediately, I called our conference office to relay the destruction information.  Soon, people started coming to the church.  We sat up an emergency center for food, water, and other help.  Volunteers from all the country came.  God is great, glorious, good, and gracious.  God supplied our every need as we sought to help our communities recover.

I have been through many natural disasters but none of them was as bad as Hurricane Katrina in my opinion.  Yet, in the midst of all of this, I saw and experienced God.  I saw God in the lives of the members of the West Laurel United Methodist Church who opened the doors of the church and who volunteered to help the community.  I saw God in the faces and lives of Churches all over the country who sent volunteers who spent weeks helping us.  To God be the Glory.

As I think about it all, I am reminded of the promise Jesus made, "I am with you always".  God never promised us a life free from storms and struggles.  God did promise to be with us and God does keep God's word.