Mixed emotions is how I feel at this moment as we wait for the clock to strike midnight as our divided Congress and our President cannot agree on a budget, continuing resolution, or a debt ceiling. Sides have been chosen and a great divide exists. Reminds me of the words of Jesus in Matthew 12, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
There is enough written and vocalized about this in the printed media and in the broadcast media so this is not about who it at fault. My desire is not to express support of any particular point of view or endorse any political party. My concern is the media and its influence on what we think and how that leads to the divisions we have. My concern is the lack of truth that often circulates in a situation like this. It has been said that if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes real to you. We deceive ourselves if we think that any one group completely understands the issues of what is happening now. Most of us have never read or know what is in the Affordable Care Act. So often, we become involved in a cause that is hot and we often choose the most popular side. We live in a republic not a democracy. A republic is a representative form of government. We elect Senators and Representatives to make decisions about issues that influence our economy and our culture. Many voices clamour to be heard and to control how government rules and finances its programs.
We seek to influence our Congress though emails, telephone calls, tweets, and any other methods we can find. Our Congressman are concerned about reelection so they can continue in office. Some of us feel that the federal government has become too strong and is usurping the authority reserved to the states and local governments. Some believe that the federal government is not doing enough. Somehow, I see our present condition like those days in High School when the jocks, the cheerleaders, and those who had the most were often the most popular. Yet in the background, there were those who didn't have much, were not jocks, and were often bullied by the most popular into a non existence. There is a form of bullying now in our adult lives. We seek to control others through words and actions that tell those who are without and who are in the shadows they don't matter.
No doubt there is abuse and misuse of government and no doubt the pendulum is going to far in one direction so the chaos erupts where we draw lines in the sand that create the stalemate we now have that appears more like two rival gangs fighting over turf. This warfare causes the decline of neighborhoods as residents fear the gangs. Our country is in decline as the gangs of politicians continue to fight over control. We the people have created this. We elected these men and women to serve us and direct our country.
We encourage the "gang war", the "bullying", and the division because we are so easily influenced to join the gang to which we feel represents our views. Yet, we don't take the time to see the problems and search for solutions on which we can agree. There are 50 million people in this country who do not have insurance or 15% of the population. Our unemployment rate is still above 7%. Poverty in this country is anyone who makes less than $11,000 per year. Yes, there are abuses of our government programs and yes we should find ways to prevent fraud while at the same time find ways to help those who need help.
To those who favor the government shutdown, please look at who will this effect and how much this will cost. You will be paying the bill. This will add to the national debt. To those who do not want a government shutdown and are in favor of Obamacare, is there a way to change the law so average people will not penalized if they do not buy insurance? To those who want to repeal Obamacare, what are you suggestions on making insurance more affordable? The solution to this problem is stop the grandstanding, the rhetoric, and stop running for office and communicate with each other. Have a conversation without shouting at each other. We can do this and when we do, we will find solutions that will continue to show us the way to justice, showing mercy, and walking humbly before our God.
Think about it?
P. S. We have too many football blowouts and too much entertainment news and too many news shows. That is my complaint and I am sticking with it.
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