Roy on the left and his sister Hilda on the right. |
Sixty four years ago day, my mother gave birth to an 11 lb boy at home with a midwife in attendance. I was born on a farm in rural Mississippi. This is the front yard of our house. Yep, we didn't have grass. We pulled it up because we couldn't afford a lawn mower. Yes, we were poor but so was everyone else in our neighborhood.
I have seen a lot of changes in my lifetime. As you can tell I was once skinny and I had strawberry hair like my son and my grandson.
This is me around five years old holding a chicken. I liked chickens and cows but didn't like pigs and mules. Geese chased me and ducks annoyed me. Did I enjoy living on the farm? Not really. It was hard work even though I was the baby of five. My siblings told me I knew nothing about hard work since I was nine when Dad sold the farm and we moved.
I loved school. I feel I received a great education even though I learned later that I lived in the poorest state in the union with the worst educational system. Due to moving quite often, I went to several schools so I had a taste of what different schools were like. I excelled in my studies and graduate with honors from High School. I felt prepared for college.
Roy's High School Senior Picture |
Notice I had hair in my senior picture. ( It didn't last though. I lost most of it by 30.) I have experienced many changes some good and some bad. I was glad to see the end of desegregation. Although my school was not integrated before I graduated, this step among others brought major changes that still are being made in our country as we learn to accept each other for who we are and not based on our gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, education level, economic standing, or sexual orientation.
I watched the Kennedy Nixon Debates on television and saw Kennedy's inauguration. Since then, I have seen politicians come and go. I have always voted. I lived through Watergate. I was shocked into reality that has brought us to the cynicism that we see in our nation today. I was never a flower child nor did I try weed or acid. I didn't inhale. I lusted like Carter. It was sad to see our nation held hostage by Iran but good to see the Berlin Wall come down.
I embraced computers and the coming of technology. We bought a microwave that was so large and so heavy that it took two to handle. That thing sure made great popcorn. Have owned a pc, a desktop, a laptop, a tablet, a notebook, and a smartphone. I have learned the jargon of texting and the joy of facebook and twitter,
I have owned Chevy's, Fords, Dodge's, and some Toyota's. My first new car was a 1972 Chevy Chevelle Forest Green. Loved that car. I have owned pickups, sedans, compacts, and SUV's. I remember riding in the 57 Chevy, the 52 Chevy, the 65 Impala, the Monte Carlo, the Ford Fairlane (55 and 62), and one that my children will also remember. We called her Gertrude. A Ford Fairmount that loved to backfire at the strangest times and places and often died and wouldn't start again.
I have sermons as long as 3 hours long (God help us). I have seen preachers foam at the mouth, yell when they preach, and run up and down the aisles. No, I never saw anyone handle snakes thank God! I have seen church fights and church splits. Was present when a man threatened to kill father on the church steps. I have seen the church being the church like those who came to Mississippi to help us after Katrina.
I have watched the years fly by like a puff of wind. Yesterday, it was 1955 and today it is 2013. I never thought I get through High School. I never thought about being 64. I dreamed of turning 21 and then 30. I treasure the first time I went to an eye doctor who told me I will see when you turn 40, then 45, then 50, then 55 and then I will see you every year. I was excited to turn fifty so I could have my AARP card. Now, I look forward to enrolling in Medicare this time next year.
Of all that I have seen and done, the greatest joy I have had has been the relationships I have had over the years. I lost my best friend at 8 when he was shot by a family member. Yet, I have had so many friends over the years that have been there. A person can never have too many friends. Today, I enjoy friendships with people all over the world. Some I have met and some I haven't. Some I may never meet in person, but I know them through facebook, Skype, and email.
The greatest relationships I have had is family. My, what a mixed up family I had. Yet, I will always treasure the memories of the porch sitting there shelling peas, listening to the old folks talk about the past. I felt the love of my mother. Much of the baggage passed to me I passed down to my children. I have watched my children deal with it and how they have halted and cast off the worst and sought to keep the best. Today, I have six children (counting my in laws) and seven grandchildren. I love my family very much.
The hardest relationship for me has been my relationship with myself. Enough said.
The greatest gift I have ever received is unconditional love! John, the Apostle of Christ, asks in his writing, "How can you love God if you don't love others?". Jesus told us we are to love others as we love ourselves. Yet, of faith, hope, and love, love is the greatest!
I am glad that I am 64. I wouldn't trade this day for any in the past for I am living in the future as I draw each breath!