Americans love controversy for we sure seem to thrive on them. If there isn't one, we seem to create them. A college professor once asked us why is there chaos in our world? why are there are differing opinions? Why are there so many different versions of the Bible? He answered there is order in chaos. Differing opinions keep order for it implies there is freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and the freedom to choose. There are so many versions of the Bible to keep the word of God pure.
This year, we have been confronted with gay marriage and the NSA scandal. We have had political stalemates over the budget and the debt ceiling. We have a contrived war on Christmas. Then there is the Duck Dynasty issue over what Phil Robertson said about Gays and African Americans. Sometimes, I don't like to read the paper or watch tv news for it is all about these controversies. Then we have the entertainment world that occupies so much of our time. We are bombarded with who is not wearing makeup or what Kim Kardashian wears. It would be wonderful if the news reported only the news I want to hear or everyone has the same opinion as me, but alas they don't.
It is these situations and differences that often prompt wars fought with weapons and loss of life and then there are wars fought with thoughts, ideals, and words that lead to laws being passed or actions taken. Sola Scriptura is a doctrine that states they only authority for truth is Scripture. This is a Protestant view created to combat the Roman Catholic view that Scripture and Tradition are sources of truth. The infallibility of the Pope was asserted and finally adopted in 1870 as a defense against sola scriptura and fundamentalism. Protestants and even non church persons in the US often use the doctrine of Sola Scriptura as the argument for a theocracy. Views on same sex marriage and same sex orientation are argued based on the authority of their interpretation of the Bible. Keeping Christ in Christmas battles are fought over whether one says Happy Holidays, Merry Xmas or Merry Christmas. Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty made statements based on his views and his interpretations of the Bible and Christianity. All of these controversies are more about religious beliefs than unalienable rights.
This week, a federal judge ruled that the voters of Utah denied the rights of same sex couples to marry by their vote to ban same sex marriage. Do voters have that right? What is the basis for the ban? Again, it boils down to religious views vs unalienable rights. This is similar to the slavery issue before the Civil War. Before the Civil War, denominations split over the religious views and understanding of slavery. The Methodist Church was split into the Southern Methodist Church and the Methodist Church. The Baptist split into Northern Baptist and Southern Baptist. We think that is awful today but religion was used as defense and as an offense to slavery.
Texas wants to secede from the US. Some counties in Northern Colorado held a vote to secede from Colorado and form a new state because they did not agree with the strict gun laws passed by the state legislature and signed by the governor. We have a divided Congress where the House is controlled by Republicans and the Senate by Democrats. Many of the people in the US blame the President for this divide. But what it boils down to is the age old problem in the US. Conservatism vs. Liberalism. Social Justice vs. Laissez faire capitalism, states rights vs strong central government. In reality, all of this boils down to control and power, right and wrong, and religious belief.
The argument over the ACA is greater than "being forced" to buy insurance. That is the cover for something deeper. We have a clash of wills in this country. Many of views are influenced by the views of parents as they were passed on to us. We do not like to see change. The older generation always sees the younger generation has being flawed and worries about the future Yet, all of this points back to the chaos of a country who espouses "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness." this points back to the view that all are created equal with unalienable rights.
Whose rights are more important? As a Christian, do I have the right to expect everyone has the same views as me? Do I have the right to prevent others from "sinning"? As a Muslim, do I have the right to put someone to death because my religious beliefs gives me the right to destroy infidels? We live in a pluralistic society so freedom of religion means I have the right to worship God as I believe but it does not give me the right to impose what I believe as the law for all to obey.
The battle will continue long after I am gone and it should for the chaos and the sharp disagreements we have show that our unalienable rights are maintained. The NSA controversy is scary for it is an extreme abuse of power than can deny our unalienable rights. Thank God for activist judges who see that unalienable rights are not determined by votes of the people. Unalienable rights are defined as rights given to us by God or as the founding document says by our Creator. I do not want anyone to vote on what churches are sanctioned by the state and that I can attend only those churches. In the same manner, I do not want anyone to have the right to vote who I can marry or what I can say or how I do or do not celebrate Christmas.
Phil Robertson has every right to state his views openly and freely. A & E has the right to ban him from the show because of what he said. When we express our thoughts, we assume responsibility for what we say. There is no need to clarify, apologize, or correct. Many in our country believe Mr. Robertson and his family represent family values. I am sure they have many good qualities. I watched one episode of the show. This is not the type of show I find entertaining or wholesome. I do not like reality shows. That is my choice. I have decided that on my own. That is my inalienable right. I defend Mr. Robertson's right to say what he said and I defend A & E's right to take action as they did.
What I dislike the most is Christians acting like they are the victim. They are experiencing challenges to their actions and beliefs. They are not the only religion in our country. They are not the sole authority. They are a voice that should be heard but they do not have the right to dictate how others live, act, or believe. This is the American way.
What I dislike the most is the battle between liberalism and conservatism that has erupted into name calling and finger pointing. I would love for all us to perfect and ideal but then that would prevent us from practicing our unalienable rights. As long as there is freedom, there will be differences. There will be battles fought in words, television news analysis, and actions taken.
All of this makes me proud to be an American as we continue the struggle to learn what it means to be the home of the brave and the land of the free. Professor, you were right. Chaos brings order.
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