Wednesday, November 27, 2013


"There's a fine line
Between contentment and greed
Between the things that I want
And the things that I need"

      Wayne Watson, The Fine Line


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." 

Does the the first amendment grant individuals and individuals who own corporations, sole proprietors, or partnerships have the right to use religious belief to deny employees benefits or the right to hire and fire because someone because they do something that the owner objects to because of the owner's religious beliefs?

This is a fine line for Americans.  I value my faith, my right to worship and make choices based on what I believe.  I also value the separation of Church and State.  The Government cannot tell me what I believe or what religious service I should attend. The Church does not have the right to dictate that government or those who do believe or worship like they do adhere to its faith and practice.  

We all get uptight when we read about Islamic Governments imposing a patriarchal system on its citizens forcing women to show only their eyes in public and denying women the right to be educated  We consider their practices to be inhumane and barbaric and like the pharisee in a parable Jesus told, we beat our chests and yell, "God, we are thankful we are not like them.!"   BUT WE ARE!

Freedom of Religion is being used as cloak to dictate the beliefs of majority owners in businesses on its employees.  For example, Hobby Lobby and Conestoga have cases being considered by the United States Supreme Court over religious objections to providing insurance coverage to employees where the insurance pays for contraception.  The Affordable Care Act requires employers the size of Hobby Lobby to provide contraception without a copay.  Hobby Lobby claims they should be exempt because the violates their religious beliefs since contraception is abortion.

Springfield, Missouri, City Council is considering adding sexual orientation to the city's anti-discrimination ordinance. The opposition to the change cites it is a sin in the Bible so Christians in the community want to exercise their "right" to dictate who can be served by businesses, who employers can hire and fire, and where one can live.  

It appears to me that this could cross the line and make our nation like the Islamic Nations.  I know this will irk some who will read this but the correlation is there.  No one wants to live in a country where anything goes nor does anyone want to live in a country where citizens do not have the freedom to be who they are. The underlying cause of the arguments goes deeper than what we are seeing and hearing.

We are in a constant battle in our country over rights because we believe in "rugged individualism".  We see our country as a "City sit on a hill".  We proclaim ourselves to be a "Christian nation".

Individualism is the core of American life.  It is in opposition to the "common good".  Individualism believes that the rights of an individual should be precedent over the government so there should be limited government.  Herbert Hoover promoted "rugged individualism" or that one should help themselves out and the government should not involve itself in the economics of an individual.  Hoover believed that government interference would destroy American ingenuity.  There is a fine line here.  The extreme can lead to individualist anarchism or it is okay to infringe on the rights of others to exercise my rights.

"The City on the Hill" view began with the Pilgrims.  It was reference to Matthew 5 where Jesus told His followers they were a City on the Hill.  John Winthrop told the Pilgrims he believe God led them here to a "City on the Hill".  Ronald Reagan promoted this idea throughout his life especially when he was President.  This concept has instilled in us the idea we are superior because we have a God given gift to show the world that democracy does work and is God's way of government.  This is not a bad thing but it can be bad for it has been used to give other nations a view that we feel superior to them.  Some nations see us as aggressors as we seek to spread our form of "democracy". 

There have times of great spiritual awakenings in the United States that has led to religious fervor and the formation of many of the religions we have.  Many of these religious organizations are Christian.  Since Christianity is the main religion in this country, the Christian Church claims this is a Christian nation.  The Christian Church seeks to influence power over government and economics by insisting on laws that favor their religious views such as outlawing of abortion, outlawing of same sex marriage, prayer in public schools, and the dismantling of social programs because everyone should get a job and earn his or her own way.  On the other hand, some advocate more government regulation and higher taxes on the rich.

We are not walking the fine line.  We are staggering our way as public opinion changes, Political ideology stalls government operations, and individualism is erupting into a cultural war resulting in the most astounding behavior of adults acting like children.  

May God open our eyes to see the path clearly....

Think about it.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

THE SOUND OF MUSIC AWARDS: The Most Inspirational Song Ever

And the Hillie goes to.....

The hills are truly alive with the Sound of Music.  There are so many genres..county and western, pop, hip hop, rap, rock and rock, alternative, techno, contemporary Christian, Gospel, Southern Gospel, and on and on ....

There are so many music awards...the Grammy's, the AMA's, the Doves, the CMA's, the MTV music awards.....and the beat goes on.What this country needs is another music award....we shall call it the Hillie in honor of the phrase " The Hills are alive with the Sound of Music."

I can't sing.  I can't dance.  I lack a sense of timing.  I can't even clap on the beat, but I love music.  Well, I should clarify.  I love certain types of music.  Here is my idea for the Sound of Music Awards.  The Sound of Music Awards does not know time for this is a recognition of those hymns, ballads, dirges, ditties, and beats that lift the spirit and speak to the soul for all time.  Then there are those who perform with such rare talent they cannot go unnoticed or unrewarded.  Some of these performers are not famous, but they sing with the power and gift that makes us stand and take notice. Here are my nominations:



Written and performed by


Kirk is a composer, musician, and vocal performer in the Southern Gospel Genre.  


Performed by Shawn Thomas

Shawn is a composer, musician, and vocal performer  in the Contemporary Christian Genre.


Performed by the Judds

written by Naomi Judd, Paul Overstreet, and John Barlow Jarvis

The Judds are composers, musicians, and vocal performers in the Country and Western Music Genre.


Performed by

The Highwaymen

(Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, Johnny Cash, and Waylon Jennings)

Written by Willie Nelson.  Willie, Kris, Johnny, and Waylon are well known in the Country Music Genre.


Performed by

Wayne Watson

written by Wayne Watson

Wayne is a composer, musician, and vocal performer in the Contemporary Christian Genre. 

          (you will have to cut and paste and hopefully you can hear the audio. No video.


 You can call it Creation, Universe, Beauty, Nature or any other term.  I like the term Mother Nature for the term mother is enduring.  A mother's love is unconditional and everlasting.  A mother seeks to protect her young by giving them food and teaching them about life.  Mother Nature does the same.  A Creation of God, Mother Nature lives by and reacts to the relationship she has with God and with all living things including humans.
Mother Nature shows us beauty, teaches us the reality of suffering, receives us and converts us back to dust just as God planned.  Mother Nature shows us what peace and quiet means.  Mother Nature is the reality that shows us how to adore and honor and show respect for the God who set the universe in motion.
It has been said that patience is a virtue.  We live in a world of honking horns, road rage, fast food, and news as it happens.  We demand what we want when we want it, but have you ever noticed that trees take time to grow, and flower know when to bloom, and the cows don't get in a hurry?  It is Nature for Nature doesn't get in a hurry, it follows the principles of relationships the Creator left for Nature including humans to follow.
God did not create nature for it to be destroyed.  Nature is God's gift as we learn to love God, love others, and love self but it also includes our love for the plants, the animals, and the non living things in our universe that we call Nature.



This is the time of year we gather with family.  We see friends.  We eat too much.  We either watch ball games or we go shopping.  Some of us will have to work though.  Some complain about the stores who will now open on Thanksgiving Day preventing families from being together on the holiday.  I don't let that bother me so much for we don't need a holiday to have family time.  Any time can be family time.  Everyday should be thanksgiving as thank God for God's coming in the flesh to show us the truth and the way to have a true relationship with God, others, self, and the universe.

It has been said home is where the heart is.  I have lived in many places and locations.  None of them are as dear as another.  What makes them home is me, my blood kin, and my friends, for we discover in our relationships the true meaning of home is where the hear is.  Since my children are grown and have children of their own, I don't get upset or lonely when they can't make it for a holiday for I know there will be a time we will have with each other.  I am glad they have so many places they can be and other family members who want them to visit and friends who they enjoy being around.

When family or friends come to my house, there are three plaques that hang in my living room they cannot miss. 
  •  One plaque states, "Welcome Home.  Here find peace and love wrapped in open arms." 
  •  Another plaque states "Peace starts with yourself and grows",
  • The third is small in size but gives the rules I expect all who enter my house to follow:
    • Help each other
    • Be thankful
    • Know you are loved
    • Pay with hugs and kisses
    • Try new things
    • Be happy
    • Show compassion
    • Be Grateful
    • Dream Big
    • Respect one another
    • Laugh Out Loud
May your home be filled with peace.  May those who come in feel love.

Think about it!



My first new car:  1972 Chevy Chevelle (Forest Green).
This car is similar but not my new car.  Was a great car.
I Remember when I was growing up, I couldn't wait to get my driver's license,  Then the day came and I was so excited because I could now drive!

Now that I have my license, what's next on the wish list.  A car was a must have.  This led to a job and saving money and building credit.

The day finally came.  Bought a brand new 1972 Chevy Chevelle.  It was forest green with cloth interiors.  What a beauty!  Cost was $3,000 with a monthly payment of $73 a month.

Then there were sales taxes to pay and license plates to buy.  Oh yes, it ran on regular gas that sold for $.33 a gallon.  Oil had to be changed every 3,000 miles.  Tires soon wore out and it needed new brakes.  Yes, we required to have full coverage insurance. Had to cover all these expenses on a minimum wage of $1.60 per hour.  I was promoted to the Accounting Department were I earned $2.08 an hour or $500 a month.
YIKES!  Be Careful what you ask for!

I remember when I found out that my wife was pregnant.  We both were so excited, then the day came and the baby was born.  Then the medical bills came, the doctor's bills arrived, and all the other medical bills of anyone who touched the baby.  There were clothes to buy, formula to buy, and diapers two.  There were medical checkups and sick visits too.  There was a loss of sleep as the baby cried during the night and needed to be fed.  The baby and soon crawled and then walked.  Another came along and then another.  The costs continued to rise.  There were morals to teach, games to attend, discipline to administer, school work to be done, summers to enjoy, and then came graduation.  Where did the time go.  Now, they are grown and there are grandchildren to enjoy.  YIKES! Be Careful what you ask for!  It comes and goes so quickly...time that is.  You miss the days when they were young....wish you hadn't been so busy!

I longed for the day when I could retire.  The years dragged by...30........40.....50.  I got my AARP card (Thanks Sis, for a such a great birthday gift).  .  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I blinked and here it is....Retirement!  My, it was only yesterday, I was five playing in the front yard on the farm and now I am 63 and enjoying what I love.  Time has gone by so quickly.  I miss my friends with whom I worked.  I miss the challenges of my calling and the routine of the monthly closing, yet, I would not trade where I am now.  

I have the time to spend with my family and my friends.  I have the time to research and to write.  I can stay up late and sleep late.  I can watch TV when I want and chat with people online thousands of miles away.  I can see events happen as they occur on satellite news.  No, I wouldn't trade places or go back to 1954 when I was five.

In a couple of weeks, I will celebrate another birthday.  I will be 64.  God, thank you for allowing me to see the changes I have seen in the last 64 years.  Thank you for the mistakes I have made and the grace and forgiveness that You give.  Thank you God for loving me just as I am.  I don't have any complaints, Lord.  

Monday, November 25, 2013


I am thankful for:

  • MY FAMILY.  I don't have a perfect family.  Some of my ancestors were not well known and some were known for their questionable actions, but they are still my family.  I am so blessed to have three wonderful children and seven fantastic grandchildren.  My family includes daughter-in-law and my two sons-in-law who are truly a great addition to our brood.  I am very thankful for my ex wife and her husband who are gracious and who have made invaluable contributions to our children and grandchildren.  I am thankful for the parents of my daughter-in-law and my sons-in-law who are truly family.  THANK YOU!  I LOVE YOU!
  • MY FRIENDS:  I have many wonderful friends around the world.  Some I have met personally and some I have met online but not in person.  My friends listen to my rantings, read my thinking out loud postings, and always offer their helping hand.  THANK YOU!  I LOVE YOU!
  • THOSE WHO INFLUENCE ME:  Justin Lee, Marcus Borg, Candance Challew-Hodge, Chris Glazer, Jacobus Arminius, my teachers in school, and my professors in college.  I am still growing and changing as I learn, contemplate, and dare to try something new or adopt a new way of thinking.
  • FREE WILL, FREE GRACE, and FREE SALVATION that led me to OPEN DOORS, OPEN MINDS, and OPEN Hearts.  These theological concepts have pointed me into a deeper understanding of  THE RELATIONSHIPS I have with God, others, self, and the universe.
  • THE GOOD, THE BAD, and UGLY that I have experienced.  I miss those who have passed away but I would not call them back.  I regret the bad decisions I made, but I have grown and learned from them.  I am so sorry for anyone that I hurt along the way but I am thankful for the forgiveness I have received the grace and love they have given.
  • MUSIC that is truly the language of the heart.  Thank you Willie Nelson for "Hitting the Road Again" a the Judds for "Love Can Build a Bridge", Kirk Talley for "He is Here", Shawn Thomas for "The Sea Inside of Me".  The Trios, the Quartets, and the Soloists of the Southern Gospel, Michael Buble, Josh Groban, Dolly Parton, and so many others.  Your voices and your lyrics inspire and challenge me.


Pope Francis and President Vladimir Putin of Russia shake
hands on November 25, 2013 during President Putin's visit.


Religion and Politics do mix as seen in this photo. Whether we like to admit it or not, religion influences politics.  When it is convenient, we like to claim that we believe in the separation of "church and state" in the United States for we are guaranteed "freedom of religion" in the "Bill of Rights" in the United States Constitution.  Some interpret this as the right to "Christianize" the USA. Yet, we are a nation of diverse Christian beliefs.  Which one shall we follow?  Then, there are the non-Christian religions.  Are they protected also?  Do they have a right to influence politics also?

Religion plays a huge role in our country and greatly influences decisions made.  We have recent examples.

Harpool Nomination for Federal Judge

Springfield attorney, Douglas Harpool is being considered for a position as a United States District Federal Judge.  In his confirmation hearings, Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) asked Harpool about his views on abortion. In the past, Harpool has been "pro-choice" in the past and also very critical of the GOP.  Harpool is a Democrat.  

Abortion seems to be a litmus test for confirmation as a Federal Judge.  Conservatives are pro life because they believe it is murder. Some base this on their religious beliefs.  Liberals on the other hand are usually pro-choice. The paradox of pro-life usually means the person is also for capital punishment while pro choice usually means anti-capital punishment.

The Chairwoman of the Texas Textbook Committee 


The Texas School Board once again struggles with the approval of textbooks to be used in the classrooms of Texas Public Schools.  A Biology textbook approval stalled when "errors" in the textbook primarily about "evolution" were referred to a committee to select experts who will review the "errors" in the textbook.  "Creationists" pushed for this move. Do religious beliefs supersede science?  If so, whose religious beliefs shall prevail?  Should parents who believe in creationism send their children to religious private schools who teach more to the beliefs of parents?

Texas is one of the largest school textbook purchasers in the nation so what Texas selects becomes the major seller pushed to other school boards around the U. S.

Secretary Kerry of the US and the Foreign Minister of Iran shake
hands after they reach agreement in Geneva this weekend.


This weekend, the United States, France, Great Britain, China, and Germany reached an agreement over nuclear proliferation or the right of Iran to use nuclear energy to make atomic bombs.

After 34 years of hostility that began with the overthrow of the Shah of Iran and the takeover of the American Embassy in Tehran, the United States and Iran have concluded talks with a 6 month agreement to ease some economic sanctions with the promise from Iran to not seek to develop nuclear energy to develop a nuclear bomb.  Iran is allowed to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.It is ironic that the United States seeks to deal with an Islamic government that supports chants "Death to America" in its streets.  What influence will the religion of Americans have on this agreement?  

In a few days, we will enter a New Year:  2014, an election year for members of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate.   What role will religion play in this election?

There is no way around it, religious views do affect elections, laws, economic decisions, and our daily lives.  In future blogs, we will discuss the roots of religious beliefs that greatly influence the people of the United States.

Think about it.



Friday, November 22, 2013


Over the years, I have written many daily thoughts that I have shared with people all over the world.  Reading back through what I have written, I see change or evolution in my thinking.  For those of you who read what I have written in the last few months, you have been confronted with the good, the bad, and the ugly of my struggles.  You have read my innermost thoughts.  You have seen me declare this one day and in a few weeks I go in the opposite direction.

Some of you have stopped reading my writings because I don't fit into your views.  I have no problem with that.  Some of you have expressed concerned.  Some have been down right nasty.  Some have just walked away.

 I found a church that has the greatest definition of who they are.  The Venues Church in Springfield, MO says this about their church on the church website: (

A church for all people - Those who gathered around Jesus in the New Testament were messy. Some of his closest followers and friends doubted, they struggled with anger, and often put their foot in their mouth. They were the disenfranchised, the oppressed. Messy. With a derogatory tone, the Pharisees labeled Jesus, “the friend of sinners.” It seems like Jesus liked that label. and we understand why. We are and will be a “messy” church. A church filled with imperfect people, imperfectly following Jesus. Life is messy. Faith is messy. But let’s get over it and get on with helping people experience God’s grace.

I am a messy person. Yet, I read those powerful words, "For God so loved....." that includes me.  I hope you will be patient with me and my writings.  I explore, research, and look for a better understanding of who I am.  This often leads to thinking out loud.

I would love to have you join in the conversation by expressing comments on the blogs I write even if you disagree.  Thanks so much for your support.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Illinois became the sixteenth state to legalize "same-sex" marriage when Governor Pat Quinn signed the bill passed by the Illinois State Legislature.  There are many terms that describe someone who has an attraction to people of the same sex.  Homosexual, Sexual Orientation, Same-Sex, Gay, Homo, Fag, Queer, and many other names I don't care to repeat.

  • Sexual Orientation is not a choice
    •  Justin Lee, founder of GCN (Gay Christian Network) recently blogged (Crumbs from the Communion Table, about a survey that GCN did with students from 20 different American Colleges and Universities.  64% of the students believed that being gay is a choice. Is being gay a choice? 
    •  NO, it isn't.  It is genetic trait much like hair color or race.  How do I know this?  I was born this way.  I remember having an attraction to males in my early teen years.  I have read the testimonies of many who feel the same way as I do.  Because some say that they have changed does not apply to all of us.  If it were a choice, why can't a heterosexual change their orientation?  Yes, some people practice both orientations but not all do.  

  • Doesn't the Bible Condemn Homosexuality?
    • The Clobber passages (Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 19:4-5, Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1, I Corinthians 6:9-10, and I Timothy 1:9-10) are used to condemn sexual orientation. There is so much written about the passages called "clobber passages". I will not address them in this blog, but remember the Bible is written in a specific time about specific events so not all events apply or are general principles for living.  
    • Matthew 19:11,12 shows the acceptance of God for the undesirables of the law i.e. eunuchs.  
      • Eunuchs represented those who could not produce children.
      • Levitical law had five classes of clean and unclean persons. Eunuchs, women who were barren, same sex orientation, and hermaphrodites are a group who were an abomination because they could not produce children.  The word abomination means "unclean" 
      • Isaiah prophesied the day would come when the eunuchs would be welcomed into the house of God.
      • Jesus declared it by declaring  that some are born as eunuchs and some are made that way by others. Men and women who cannot have children are no longer considered as unclean or abomination.  As person who has a sexual orientation for same sex, I am included also.
    •  In Galatians 5, Paul warns don't get entangled by the law, for you are now free
      • .sexual immorality, impurity, and lustful pleasures are listed as sins.  
      • There is no distinction between heterosexual and homosexual sex here. The key words are sex, lust, and impure.
      • Not all sexual acts are pure for they come from selfishness acts that do not lead to love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, and self-control.
      • Not all same sex or gay persons are at the bar every night looking for a hookup.  
      • Not all gay persons make sex their way of life.
      • Gay persons can and many are capable of having wholesome, healthy relationships with someone of the same sex. 
      • Not all healthy Gay relationships are based on Christian principles nor are all gay persons Christian.
      • There are some are persons who are Christians that happen to be gay.  That is me
    • Why do I have to make this public?
      • "Coming Out" is not about sex or me wanting to push my lifestyle on anyone, it is me identifying as someone with a different sexual orientation than the majority who wants the acceptance of society to be me.
      • Allow me to have pictures of my partner/spouse on my desk at work.  Allow me to show affection in public.
      • Allow me to decide if I want a partner/spouse and give me the right to marry that person.
      • Allow me the right to choose if I will have sex or I will be celibate.
      • When my mother asked me if I was gay and replied yes, she asked me to never parade in the streets and flaunt it like some but be honest to yourself and to others about who you are.
                   I pray that my life will be an open book for all to read, to see the struggles, the good and the bad.  I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God unto Salvation.

 I am a Christian who happens to be gay.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


There are many Holidays during this season
It's that time of year.....The Holiday season is in full swing.  There always seems to be those who consider Christmas as THE Holiday Season, but it isn't.  The Holiday season has evolved into four holidays that are celebrated in close proximity to each other.  The Season begins with Halloween and ends with New Years.  There is All Saints Day, All Souls Day, Diwali, Day of Muharram,Birthday of Baha'u'llah, Veteran's Day, Al Hijra,Thanksgiving (U.S.), Ashura,St. Nicholas Day, Virgin of Guadalupe, Santa Lucia Day, Las Posadas,  Hanukkah, Advent, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Boxing Day,  Kwanzaa, and New Years. It is also during this time we honor Native American Heritage Month.  

Some of these are legal holidays, some are religious holy days, and some are commonly accepted days. The term holiday is derived from the old English word hāligdæg or holy day, so when I say Happy Holidays, I refer or recognize that this season is a special time of year for people of all faiths, a family time for many, and a time to remember the past, look at the present, and hope for the future.

I never heard of All Saints Day(The Protestant celebration) or All Souls Day (the Catholic celebration until l I joined the United Methodist Church. I also learned about Advent and Las Posadas. I didn't know about Al Hijra, Ashura, St. Nicolas Day and many others in this list until I did research to write this blog. Holidays like Halloween and Christmas are considered to pagan celebrations in origin but turned into Christian meanings through the adoption of All Saints Eve and All Saints Day and Christmas.

Christmas is not the actual birthday of Jesus. No one really knows when Jesus was born. No one knows the actual date he was crucified. Yet, Christians defend Christmas as though it was the birthday of Jesus. Popular phrases like Jesus is the Reason for the Season and Keep Christ in Christmas are quoted by good people who believe that this Holy Day is not a holiday. The American Family Association of Tupelo, Mississippi, keeps a list of who is nice (those businesses that say Merry Christmas and Keep Christ in Christmas) and who is naught (those businesses that say Happy Holidays or Season's Greetings). I just don't get the difference and why all the fuss.

Stores have declared they will open on Thanksgiving Day this year. I don't know why there is a fuss about this either. One of the blogs I follow written by Matt Walsh declares those who shop on Thanksgiving Day are the problem. The very people who seem to complain about this are often those who support the laissez faire approach to business. They believe that our government regulates business too much. They feel we should eliminate the EPA, the FAA, the FCC, OSHA, and many other government regulatory agencies so businesses can concentrate on being profitable and thus provide more jobs so the economy will grow and we will have full employment. Yet, when business wants to make more profits by being open on holidays, they are appalled. They are the same ones who often get upset if someone says Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. They consider this as a war on Christianity. they believe strongly in capitalism. This group is often labeled as conservative.

But let's be fair, we cannot continue to tax and spend and expect business to grow. We cannot clamor for higher wages without realizing that higher labor and labor benefits will cause prices to rise. We cannot expect corporations to stay in the United States if we don't allow them to continue to operate and meet their competition. Jobs have been lost in our country because of high taxes and cheap labor in other countries. We often hear about the plight of the disadvantaged and the desire to eradicate injustice through a strong Central Government. This group often sees business or big corporations as "evil". This group is accused of believing in redistribution of wealth. This group is often labeled liberal.

We have those who expect us to believe and practice religion like they do. They want to impose their morality on all citizens for they think that is what makes the country great. They believe we are a Christian nation. There are others who fight to exclude religion from public schools, local, state, and federal government functions. They strongly believe in a secular government.

We hear so often the term "politically correct" that is used to convey disgust, disapproval, or disdain for the actions, the writings, and the vocal statements of those who dare to be outside of their group. This whole issue seems to boil down to who is and who is out, who is acceptable and who is not, who is Christian and who is pagan. If you are called a liberal you are considered to be communist or a socialist. If you are conservative, you are assumed to be a member of the Klan, a racist, a bigot, or ignorant.

Do as you will, but I will continue to say Happy Holidays for I respect those of all faiths, nationalities, ethnicities, genders, and sexual orientations who are citizens of our great nation.



Representative Slaughter

New Bill Would Force Congress To Stay In Washington Until It Passes A Budget

This is the best law to be introduced in five years.  We need a way to end the stalemate and a way to hold Congress accountable for their lack of inaction.  The passage of this bill is unlikely but I give a big thumbs up to Representative Slaughter for proposing it.  This should have been introduced before the August recess or vacation.  WE NEED A BUDGET!  GET 'ER DONE!

Our legislative branch is good at stalling, ignoring, and rhetoric.  I seek to stay neutral in this area for I am disgusted with both Republican and Democratic Leaderships.  Our Congress appears to care more about the power struggle of who has the most members and winning the next election than actually tackling the problems our country faces.  We all know this for it is nothing new.  

Members of the Senate are employees of the US Senate.  Members of the House of Representatives are employees of the House of Representatives. (See Article 1, Section 6 of the Constitution).  They are not required to vote  the majority views held in their district. 

The Congress shall have
  •  Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and
    • To pay the Debts
    • To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
    • To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
    • No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.
    • No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.
    • To coin money and regulate its value;
    • Provide for punishment for counterfeiting;
  •  provide for the common Defence
    • declare war, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
    • To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
    • To provide and maintain a Navy;
    • To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
    • To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
    • To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
    • combat piracies and felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;
  •  and general Welfare of the United States; 
    • establish post offices and roads,
    • promote progress of science by issuing patents, 
    • create federal courts inferior to the Supreme Court
    • To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States
    • to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings
    • No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
    • The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it
    • No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
  • The approval of both chambers is required to pass any legislation, which then may only become law by being signed by the President (or, if the President vetoes the bill, both houses of Congress then re-pass the bill, but by a two-thirds majority of each chamber, in which case the bill becomes law without the President's signature)
  • In addition, the Senate must approve approve (give "advice and consent" to) many important Presidential appointments, including cabinet officers, federal judges (including nominees to the Supreme Court), department secretaries (heads of federal executive branch departments), U.S. military and naval officers, and ambassadors to foreign countries. In addition, the House of Representatives originates all legislative bills for raising revenue.
  • The powers of Congress are limited to those enumerated in the Constitution; all other powers are reserved to the states and the people.
  • Members of the House and Senate are elected by first-past-the-post voting in every state except Louisiana, California and Washington, which have runoffs. This means they are elected by plurality of votes not necessarily majority of votes.
Being a member of the United States House of Representatives or the United States Senate is not an easy task.  Much more as time passes and technology changes, attitudes change, and the world stays in constant turmoil.  I am thankful for men and women who seek the office and who seek to do what is right.  Yet, we have reached a stalemate where important legislation is ignored by one House or the other.  Laying aside all the rhetoric and the bullying, the pushing, the shoving, and the near "doomsday" last minute agreements, we still have a great form of government.

Maybe its time we change some things in how the government operates.  Maybe we need to review the cost or salaries of those who serve us.  Maybe its time we hold more meetings with the use of technology and save time with electronic voting.  Maybe it is time our government moves into the 21st century before we enter the next century. 

What do you think?




The most nagging question of the ages is WHY?  Why does the sun rotate around the sun?  Why do we celebrate holidays?  Why do people kill each other?  Why is there so much disagreement in the world?  Why can't I be like everyone else?  Why did you do that?

The motive or reason why we believe what we do or take the action we do has underlying reasons that often hidden.  They may originate in an event of the past that passed down generation to generation that generates fear that leads to negative events.  They originate in personal experience that causes one to be jealous, become bitter, and inflict revenge on others.  They may be based on a religious belief or a political act to stay in power or an economic condition that is caused by factors beyond our control.


Americans seem to thrive on rhetoric, conspiracy theories, and reality shows.  Americans seem to love their politics but hate their government especially the leaders of the government.  Americans love their Bible, their church, and Christianity but don't always attend church, practice what they teach or read their Bible.  Americans don't like illegal aliens, people on welfare, people who believe in a strong federal government, someone who plays the race card or people who are different.  Anyone who does not agree or fits into the favored viewpoint is either liberal or a right wing conservative.  Americans should love to label folks.  Americans love their "unalienable rights" but can't seem to agree on what they are or how to apply them.

All of these statements are generalizations about the attitudes Americans have.  Some Americans not all Americans fit into some of these generalizations.  I like rhetoric but I sure don't like conspiracy theories or reality shows.  Yet, millions of Americans do.  I get emails and read postings on the internet about the terrible wrongs of the American Government.  I have lost friends because I take an unpopular stand on an issue.  This is the reality that is not new in this country.

I remember Southerners did like John Kennedy because he was Roman Catholic and his father bought him the Presidency.  They really disliked him because he "forced" the integration of  Southern Universities like Ole Miss.  Yet, they voted for him for they didn't like Richard Nixon.  Yet, they elected him as President in 1968 and 1972.  I say all of this based on my experience growing up in Mississippi during this time.

Americans love conspiracy theories.  We have them about the assassination of President Kennedy.  We had them during the Clinton Administration.  We have them now about President Obama.  I have heard the sky is falling and we are near Armageddon so long that I get out my violin everytime I hear it again.  Some would like to say they are worse today because President Obama is black.  I believe it may be the opinion of some, but the root problem is about control, power, and views.

For example, why are so many Americans afraid of giving citizenship to illegal aliens?  Why are so many Americans afraid of food stamps, unemployment benefits, anti discrimination laws, and social security and medicare?

There are some basic underlying reasons for attitudes.  Paul writes in Galatians 5, we do some things because we are selfish that leads to envy, jealous, hostility.  These attitudes bring about quarreling, outbursts of anger, dissension, and division.   I am saying that everyone that disagrees with me is like this?  No, for I have been guilty of things like this as much as those who are different than me.

Paul writes further that freedom is truly freedom when we recognize that faith is expressed best when the motivation is love.  Legal Law cannot legislate morality, ethics, or love.  I John writes that God is love.  If God is love, then perfect love is God.  This is what makes God Holy.  God is perfect in God's love.

We want law for we want eye for eye justice. This is why we have some states who execute some convicted persons.  We call this capital punishment or eye for eye justice.  We often hear you do the crime, you do the time.  No one should get something for nothing.   What is fair for the gander is fair for the goose.  We believe that hard work is the key to success.  You don't work, you don't eat.

I have heard these statements all my life.  I have even embraced them at times.  It is much easier to go with the flow than stand firm on what you believe. I didn't feel like I was living at Camelot during the Kennedy days nor did I feel like I lived in a "Great Society" during the Johnson years.  I remember "Watergate" well but not much else about the years of Nixon.  I remember the recession, price controls, the gas shortages, and the Hostages in Iran during the days of Ford and Carter.

It is so much easier to use rhetoric that distorts truth, slanders others, and labels opponents to win elections, to gain acceptance, and to control a community, a nation, or the world.  Americans are not immune to this.  We have perfected it as we search for truth and freedom in what it means to have "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

We have forgotten that faith is expressed when love is the motive for action.  Does this mean we need a stronger federal government, we should spend, spend, spend and create a debt so large that we cannot repay it?  NO!  It doesn't mean we refuse to help those who cannot help themselves.  We don't destroy our mental health system like Reagan did.  We understand that people like those who killed students at Pearl, Columbine, Newtown and who killed those who were at the Aurora theater were mentally ill.  We could have prevented that if we had a mental health system.  Will it prevent them all?  No, but it will help resolve the homeless issue for so so many homeless people are mentally ill.

Do we cut social security and medicare for the sake of other items in the budget?  Social Security and Medicare are legal rights for those who paid into them through their payroll deductions.  It is not a "handout". What about disability?  Disability is also part of the Social Security law.  The law is defined as Old Age Disability Insurance correctly.

29 states have "at will" employment laws which means the employer can fire for any reason.  The argument is the employee is not at risk but the employer is so the employee should work at the will of the employer. Is employment a right?  Amazing to me that those who argue against discrimination laws in favor of "at will" employment often support anti discrimination laws for gun owners or want religious exemptions in antidiscrimination legislation.

What is your motivation for your views?  Are you views backed up by a faith that is best expressed in love?  Wish I could say that mine always are.  That is why I question so much and explore what I what I believe and what I do with a "fine tooth comb"?

If there is anything we can do to reach a place where we can make love the motivation for our actions, let's do it.

Think about it.


Mom, today is the milestone you always wanted to reach.  Today is your 100th birthday.  Sadly, you are not here to celebrate with me, but I do thank you for so many wonderful memories of the struggles you faced, the love you gave, the advice you spoke so plainly, and the faith you had in God and in me.  

I will never forget the fear you had of water, storms, and heights.  You made us put on clothes on when a thunderstorm came making sure we had on clean underwear in case we were blown away.  I remember the sleepless nights as you paced the floor going from window to window wonder what the storm would do.  Yet, you never let fear stop you from looking at issues from all sides.  You stood firm in your beliefs and in your politics even when you stood alone. 

Thank you mom for not being afraid to change when you see what you believe or have done is wrong.  I saw you change mom.  As a child, I remember your paranoia about so many things.  Later, I learned it came from the experiences of your life:  the murder of your father, the loneliness of being a cinderella in a family who used you as free labor, and the abuse you suffered at the hands of your husband and my father.  You never gave up though.  You were never a victim.  You finally found love with a man who loved you and you loved him.  You changed mom.  You always apologized for not being a good mom, but actually you are the best mom anyone could have.

Thank you mom for all the discussions about the Bible, Faith, Politics, and the Economy.  We had some good ones didn't we.  We always seem to be on opposite sides yet somehow, we always walked away still knowing that we are family and we love each others.  You endured all the ups and downs of the five children you raised.  You always had the best advice that we needed.

Thank you for instilling in me the equality of all people, the ability to smile in times of great adversity and sorrow, and the drive to learn from the errors and mistakes we choose.  Thank you for helping me to see both sides of an issue or exploring all the views of an issue before accepting one blindly as truth.

Thank you for encouraging me to learn and be educated even though you didn't complete high school.  Thank you all those who made up in Scrabble and some of them were actually words.  Thank for making me watch Wheel of Fortune without saying a word during this holy time.  Thank you for listening to my sermons.  By the way, my church members thank you for the mint you gave me each Sunday telling me when the mint is gone, it is time to quit and let the people go home.

I must admit I didn't always listen and I haven't always followed in your footsteps.  In fact, I am sure there are decisions I have made that you would question why, but yet you always welcomed me home and loved me for who I am.  Thank you Mom and Happy Birthday.

Monday, November 18, 2013


Robert Ripley dealt in the odd, strangest events and people.  Some of what he wrote in his syndicated cartoon was so outlandish the public found it hard to believe.  Ripley aptly entitled his work, "Believe it or not".  Everyday, we hear, we see, we smell, and we taste, and we often feel sounds, sights, odors, and chew on things hard to swallow, see, smell, or hear.  When something doesn't pass the five senses test, we tend to not believe that it is true or real.  I don't like the looks, the smell, or taste of Brussels Sprouts. As much as I would like to deny their existence, I can't for they are real or true.  Therefore, there are times when the senses test just doesn't work.

Science and Religion

Over the last hundred years, science has replaced religion as the major source of truth.  Science had developed a method called the scientific method.  The scientific method uses empirical and measurable evidence or data gathered according to accepted principles of reasoning.  The scientist begins with a hypothesis or statement that the scientist wishes to verify through experiments.  The scientific method conflicts with the religions of the world who practice "faith" to accept things unexplained or events that appear to be supernatural.

Deceptive Uses of our Natural Rights

So here is the war:  the supernatural vs the natural.  The founding fathers of the United States declared humanity has "natural rights" (unalienable) among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.    The first ten amendments to the constitution are "natural rights" also:  freedom of religion, press, speech, petition, right to bear arms, right to search and seizure regulated, right to a speedy trial, right to a trial by jury, excessive bail, fines, and cruel and usual punishment prohibited, and states rights.

Freedom of religion has been used by some in this country to justify everything from slavery to discrimination. The intent of the freedom of religion is to protect one's right to practice religion or not practice religion.  The founders did not want a "state religion" like they had under British Rule where the sovereign was the head of the Church of England. Colonists had to pay for the upkeep and the salary of the Church of England Vicar and the Church of England facilities through the property tax they paid.  This gave rise to the separation of "church and state".  This seems very logical and reasonable for the founders wanted Jewish citizens to have the same right and privileges to worship as Baptist, Methodist, or Presbyterian.  In the same way, they wanted diest to be free to believe what they wanted and they wanted atheist to have the right not to believe.

Individual Rights

The whole idea behind our government is the idea of freedom.  Freedom that grants individual rights to its citizens.  So what happens when individual rights clash.  For example, a Catholic decides to open a business and hire employees.  Does he have the right under the freedom of religion to hire only people who are pro life, anti-gay, who believe in the celibacy of priests, the infallibility of the pope and  the seven sacraments?  Can he hire only men or only white people?  Can he refuse to sell or serve to Protestants or hire children and pay them less than he would an adult?

Does the right to free speech and free press mean that I can plot and plan and make public a plan to overthrow the government?  At what point does a citizen commit treason and sedition?  Does a citizen have the right to own a canon or a tank because the citizen has the right to keep and bear arms?

The problems we face in this country have been around since its beginning.  Religion is used to justify actions that are often contrary to the teachings of the very religion that seeks to justify slavery, discrimination, or the right to take a life like that of medical personnel that perform abortions.

Politicians jump on the bandwagon of what is popular.  They want to win elections so if the people of their state or county or city want to use religion to condemn something, they may join the popular opinion.  This occurred in the South in the 1960's.  Those of us who were around, remember Paul Johnson, the Mississippi Lieutenant Governor, who stood in the doorway to keep James Meredith from registering as student.  In the next gubernatorial election his theme was "Stand Up For Paul like he Stood Up for you last fall."

This is still occurring today.  Senator Ted Cruz led an effort to shut down the government because there were many who supported the idea.  Our President is not perfect nor has he been a dynamic leader to lead us in these tough times.  Yet, those who oppose the President use language and methods that are not new in this country.  Presidents have been accused of cover-ups and abuse of power many times in the past.

My point today is don't be ready to accept everything that you read, see, hear, taste or smell.  Test it for the underlying purpose.  Why was it written?  Is it true?

Believe it or not, not everything we hear, see, smell, taste or feel is true.  Believe it or not the natural rights guaranteed by our Creator and written into our foundation as a country are often used to hide reasons based on hate, deceit, selfish gain, or ignorance.

Saturday, November 16, 2013



As a child growing up, I heard many preachers and some teachers proclaim all i needed to do is come to Jesus and all of my problems would be solved.  I also heard that everything you need to know is in the Bible. When I announced that I was going to college to study for the ministry, one dear old preacher's wife pulled me aside and said, "You don't need an education.  The Bible is all you need.  God will fill your mind of His word so when you preach, the Spirit will lead you what to say."

I began reading the Bible at age eight.  I started in Genesis and read all the way through without anyone telling me what to read or any commentaries to explain what I was reading.  I came across some stories and events that I could not understand like Cain killing Abel and Abraham willing to sacrifice his son because God told him to so.  Then there was Onan who was swallowed up in the ground.  Later I was told that this is a sign that masturbation is a sin.  I read about Sodom and Gomorrah.  Then there were the daughters of Lot who got their father drunk and slept with him.  I read about wars and the killing of others in war because told the Israelites to drive the heathen out of the land God promised God's people.  Then was Jonah and the Whale, Daniel in the Lion's Den, King Ahab and Queen Jezebel.  David slew the giant Goliath.  The along came John the Baptist and Jesus.  After Jesus, there many books written to explain what Jesus did and how we are to live.  The end, the Book of Revelation, was like reading mythology and science fiction.

I accepted what I was told about these events.  I became a pre-millennialist, pre-tribulationist.  To put it mildly, I believed with many others believe that Jesus would return as a thief in the night and take all the Christians out of the world and then God will sent all the rest of the creation through the most horrific and catastrophic events to punish them for their lack of faith and rejection of God's plan.

I developed the concept of God as the holy God who was ready to zap me and send me to hell if I said one curse word or drank a drop of liquor.  I lived in fear of displeasing God.  I seldom heard about God's love nor did I seldom see it in the attitudes of those who called themselves Christians.  I saw church fights, church splits, scorn for education, dislike of anyone who was not like us, and yet these were good people in so many ways for they believed they were living right based on what they had been taught. Over the years as I have seen and experienced the struggle to find truth, I have many wonderful people with kind and caring hearts for those who are like them but disdain and vocal condemnation for those who dare to be different.

Sad to say, this still happens.  We are terrified that Muslims will take over our country and install Shia law that we find so repulsive.  Yet, we fail to recognize the same thing occurs in our country as the Christian church seeks to dictate laws that govern the behavior of individuals at the same time forcing those who do not believe in Jesus to listen to prayers and participate in events that only Christians believe and accept as truth.  This is done because we are a Christian Nation.  Are we any better than Muslims or any other religion that forces all to be what we expect them to be?

I hear so many laments about what we have lost in this country.  We complain about the leadership of our country.  We want to return to be a God-fearing nation.  We want to make prayer a requirement in school.  We want to stop abortions for that is murder but yet we practice capital punishment.  We want to make same sex marriage illegal for that is an abomination to God based on Scripture that is written in a day when men and women were ostracized if they could not have children.  We think it is terrible that other religions want to celebrate their holidays for we believe them to pagans.  Yet, Easter and Christmas are actually pagan holidays that have been "Christianized" to make them acceptable and Christian.

Fifty years ago and yes even a hundred years ago and even in the days of the revolution, humanity was dealing with the issues we see today.  Marriage and family life was controlled by the patriarch of the family or the matriarch.  Everyone had to obey the the will of the Leader of the family.  Divorce was not rampant because of the autocratic rule in families.  Today, we see "Dysfunctional" families and we lament that marriages are falling apart because of homosexuality.  Marriages have been broken and divorce became acceptable before we heard the word "gay" as it is used today.


Let's face it, the division we see today is about power.  We are in a struggle to determine the ideology, the the theology, the  philosophy, and the political party that will have the majority to enact laws that will determine the paths we take.  Those who seek power use fear to persuade us to support what they say.
During this power struggle, we need to think rationally about what we have been taught and what we have experienced.  We need to sift through all of the rhetoric we hear on tv, we read in print, and we discuss with others.

There are some truths that I have burned deep in my heart.

1.  God is love and love is God (I John 4:7-8)
2.  God is holy means that God is perfect in God's Love (I John 4, Hebrews 12:14)
3.  Perfect Love casts out fear (I John 4:18)
4.  Fear is used to control us.


The Bible is a weapon used to gain power and to promote fear.  It is easy to find passages to support almost any thought or theology.  We must remember to sift through the traditional teachings and the television preachers who tell us the Bible is the only source of truth.  The Bible is written by human beings about their relationships especially the relationship with God.  The books of the Bible were chosen by church councils and Hebrew Religious Leaders.  There are no original manuscripts.  Some of the books like the Gospels were written by men as much as 70 years after the events occurred.  Cell phones, tape recorders, digital cameras, video cameras and tvs did not exist.

I don't know about you, but I can't remember word for word conversations a year later so the red letters where Jesus spoke are not exact quotations.  The authors of the first five books of the Bible were written thousands of years after the events occurred.  My point is not every word or book is inspired.  What makes me feel this way is the way the Bible came into being and the books that were left out and the ones included.
In addition, the similarity between the stories in the Bible and other sources are very similar.  The Jews consider the books Christians call the Old Testament to be allegorical, a popular method of teaching.  For example the word "Adam" means humanity.  Adam and Eve are considered to representatives of the humanity.  One needs to sift through the claims of the Bible for the Bible became the only source of truth under the doctrine of "sola scriptura" or the scripture only as source of truth during the Reformation Period.

The Bible does contain some universal principles that be called "natural law".  The commandment to love God, to love others as we love self is a universal principle.  The Levitical Laws are codified law or legal law passed by the leaders of the day.  They are not natural law or principles from God.  The Gospels and Epistles are the writer's view of God.  Over the years, the stories of Jesus were embellished.  The Epistles were written to address issues in a specific group and in fact where the opinions of the writer on how to resolve the issues faced.

If this view is disappointing to you, I understand.  Yet, it is the conclusion I reached after many years of study using my ability to reason, the experiences I have, the sacred writings of all religions and other writings to sift through the traditions or teachings passed down to me.  I still use the Bible as a source but not the only source of truth.

Friday, November 15, 2013



The Springfield News Leader, our local newspaper, often comments and supports what is happening in our area in a column on the opinion page called "OUR VOICE".  The column begins with these words:

In the Ozarks, folks like to use plain common sense to deal with issues — as we note in this regular editorial feature on “common sense” solutions.

Common sense is a phrase that is often used to describe the obvious or in the words of my late mother, "it is as plain as day" or "as plain as the nose on your face."  This is how I feel about the meaning of life.  I have read the philosophers and I get lost in the words and detailed explanations.  I have studied the theologians and I get hung up on the meaning of the word "is".  The dogmas, tenets, creeds, and rituals load me down with guilt as I seek to understand but I don't feel or get the result that I have been told I should have.  I listened to the politicians who tell me this law will solve the problem, yet the "New Deal", "The Great Society", and "Reaganomics" have not resolved the problems they intended to cure.  

My mother, the plain spoken Southern Woman, and I often had discussions on the meaning of life.  I miss you mom and your wisdom.  For someone who had only a ninth grade education, she helped understand life more than all the studies I have done.  After my divorce in 1988, mom told me "Son, the only person you can change is you.  Your wife is the mother of your children.  Be thankful for her and never downgrade her to your children."  

"It is as plain as the nose on your face."

In one of many discussions on the Bible and life, mom said, "Son, it is as plain as the nose on your face.  Life is about relationships."  I had heard that in a class on Biblical Ethics at Welch College.  Professor Forlines taught us there are four basic relationships:  God, others, self, and the creation (the universe).

In my search for understanding, I keep coming back to this.  If life is about relationships, then meaning becomes relation rather than absolute.  Absolutes are defined as universal principles that transcend time, place, events, and persons.  Relativity infers connection.  The outcome of an event or person depends on the relationship of those involved.  Outcomes are determined by reactions based on choices made by those involved in the relationship or external stimuli that causes a change in the size, makeup, and quality of the relationship.

Hurricane Katrina was an external event that caused reactions of those who lived in its path as well as those who did not live in its path.  My relationship with my family influenced what I believe and how I lived for many years.  The one great absolute the Creator made concerns the relationships we have.  The universal principle that life is about relationships is the guiding force of all that happens past, present, and future.

The Creator installed reason and free will so we can look at the experiences of life and make judgements on which we base on our actions.  The gift of reason and free will leads us to trust or have faith in the universal principle of relationism or events occur based on choices made and actions taken as the creation interacts and exists in relationships.

In order to understand relationism, humanity has written sacred writings like the Bible, the Koran, the BHagavad Gita, and many others to explain how everything came into existence and how the relationship with God and others work.  There is a mixture of natural law and legal law contained in these works with the understanding that all of these come from God.  They all seem to have some principles that are similar.  Sacred writings are therefore a source to use in understanding relationships.  These writings are not inspired word for word by God.  The Bible, for example, is a collection of books determined by those in the Jewish Faith and the Christian to be valid.  Many manuscripts were omitted by the Councils who determined what is Scripture and what is not. 

For this reason, Sacred Writings must be judged by the application of reason, experience, and the tradition (past history or what we have been taught).  Reason must be judged by the application of sacred writings, experience, and tradition.  They should all be given equal weight in determining what is true and what is not.  This calls for us to recognize that truth is contained in all religions.  As we examine the common beliefs in each religion, we will see the universal principles of relationships is based on the one absolute the Creator made.  The meaning of life is about relationship:  Our relationship with God, others, self, and the creation, the environment or the creation or the universe is just common sense.

We will explore this more on another day and at another time.

Think about it.
