Tuesday, November 26, 2013


 You can call it Creation, Universe, Beauty, Nature or any other term.  I like the term Mother Nature for the term mother is enduring.  A mother's love is unconditional and everlasting.  A mother seeks to protect her young by giving them food and teaching them about life.  Mother Nature does the same.  A Creation of God, Mother Nature lives by and reacts to the relationship she has with God and with all living things including humans.
Mother Nature shows us beauty, teaches us the reality of suffering, receives us and converts us back to dust just as God planned.  Mother Nature shows us what peace and quiet means.  Mother Nature is the reality that shows us how to adore and honor and show respect for the God who set the universe in motion.
It has been said that patience is a virtue.  We live in a world of honking horns, road rage, fast food, and news as it happens.  We demand what we want when we want it, but have you ever noticed that trees take time to grow, and flower know when to bloom, and the cows don't get in a hurry?  It is Nature for Nature doesn't get in a hurry, it follows the principles of relationships the Creator left for Nature including humans to follow.
God did not create nature for it to be destroyed.  Nature is God's gift as we learn to love God, love others, and love self but it also includes our love for the plants, the animals, and the non living things in our universe that we call Nature.


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