Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Mom, today is the milestone you always wanted to reach.  Today is your 100th birthday.  Sadly, you are not here to celebrate with me, but I do thank you for so many wonderful memories of the struggles you faced, the love you gave, the advice you spoke so plainly, and the faith you had in God and in me.  

I will never forget the fear you had of water, storms, and heights.  You made us put on clothes on when a thunderstorm came making sure we had on clean underwear in case we were blown away.  I remember the sleepless nights as you paced the floor going from window to window wonder what the storm would do.  Yet, you never let fear stop you from looking at issues from all sides.  You stood firm in your beliefs and in your politics even when you stood alone. 

Thank you mom for not being afraid to change when you see what you believe or have done is wrong.  I saw you change mom.  As a child, I remember your paranoia about so many things.  Later, I learned it came from the experiences of your life:  the murder of your father, the loneliness of being a cinderella in a family who used you as free labor, and the abuse you suffered at the hands of your husband and my father.  You never gave up though.  You were never a victim.  You finally found love with a man who loved you and you loved him.  You changed mom.  You always apologized for not being a good mom, but actually you are the best mom anyone could have.

Thank you mom for all the discussions about the Bible, Faith, Politics, and the Economy.  We had some good ones didn't we.  We always seem to be on opposite sides yet somehow, we always walked away still knowing that we are family and we love each others.  You endured all the ups and downs of the five children you raised.  You always had the best advice that we needed.

Thank you for instilling in me the equality of all people, the ability to smile in times of great adversity and sorrow, and the drive to learn from the errors and mistakes we choose.  Thank you for helping me to see both sides of an issue or exploring all the views of an issue before accepting one blindly as truth.

Thank you for encouraging me to learn and be educated even though you didn't complete high school.  Thank you all those who made up in Scrabble and some of them were actually words.  Thank for making me watch Wheel of Fortune without saying a word during this holy time.  Thank you for listening to my sermons.  By the way, my church members thank you for the mint you gave me each Sunday telling me when the mint is gone, it is time to quit and let the people go home.

I must admit I didn't always listen and I haven't always followed in your footsteps.  In fact, I am sure there are decisions I have made that you would question why, but yet you always welcomed me home and loved me for who I am.  Thank you Mom and Happy Birthday.

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