Friday, November 22, 2013


Over the years, I have written many daily thoughts that I have shared with people all over the world.  Reading back through what I have written, I see change or evolution in my thinking.  For those of you who read what I have written in the last few months, you have been confronted with the good, the bad, and the ugly of my struggles.  You have read my innermost thoughts.  You have seen me declare this one day and in a few weeks I go in the opposite direction.

Some of you have stopped reading my writings because I don't fit into your views.  I have no problem with that.  Some of you have expressed concerned.  Some have been down right nasty.  Some have just walked away.

 I found a church that has the greatest definition of who they are.  The Venues Church in Springfield, MO says this about their church on the church website: (

A church for all people - Those who gathered around Jesus in the New Testament were messy. Some of his closest followers and friends doubted, they struggled with anger, and often put their foot in their mouth. They were the disenfranchised, the oppressed. Messy. With a derogatory tone, the Pharisees labeled Jesus, “the friend of sinners.” It seems like Jesus liked that label. and we understand why. We are and will be a “messy” church. A church filled with imperfect people, imperfectly following Jesus. Life is messy. Faith is messy. But let’s get over it and get on with helping people experience God’s grace.

I am a messy person. Yet, I read those powerful words, "For God so loved....." that includes me.  I hope you will be patient with me and my writings.  I explore, research, and look for a better understanding of who I am.  This often leads to thinking out loud.

I would love to have you join in the conversation by expressing comments on the blogs I write even if you disagree.  Thanks so much for your support.

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