Some call this the fulfillment of the book of Revelation in the Christian Bible that describes a religious ruler who implores and leads the world to follow the beast who arises from the sea that has been wounded and is often called the antiChrist. Yet, we all long for a time when we lay down our weapons and beat them into plowshares as predicted by an Old Testament prophet. We all want Utopia. Everyone must follow my views, my beliefs, my way of thinking for that to happen. This where the problems begin. Who is right? Who is wrong? What is the right thing to do?
We live in an imperfect world not Utopia. We live in a world where there are differences in cultures, language, religions, governments, nations, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation. We live in a world where politics, religion, and economy control what we think, what we do, and what will happen. We live in a world where prejudice exists, discrimination happens, murder occurs, violence is tolerated, drugs and alcoholism are major health concerns. We live in a world of indulgences where people eat too much, spend too much, and drink too much, and marry often in search of Utopia.
We live in a world of deformities. Some people are shorter than others, some people are heavier than others. Some people have better facial features than others. Some people have physical disabilities or mental disorders. We have some who are able bodied and can work and be productive while others cannot because of their limitations. We live in a world where some have more money and possessions than others. We live in a world of those who have and have not. We all are well aware of this for we live in this imperfect world.
To deal with this imperfect world, we have created laws that define what is acceptable behavior and what is not. We have built military power to protect us from those who dislike us or who want what we have or who to control us. We push for power so we can control the rules and determine what is right and wrong. We get the idea that Utopia is what we believe, what we do, and how we live. We hold ourselves up to the world as the light, the right way to be and live. We have the right religion, the right government, and the best economy. Yet, there is something we fail to realize.
We live in a relational Universe. Our universe is based relationships. Science has proven that when you have substance A and you add substance b, C will occur. The Universe operates on a proper balance of the relationships between matter, between living things and nonliving things, between plants, animals, and human beings, between human beings. There are four basic relationships: Our relationship with the universe (planets, black holes, stars, moons, nature, plants, animals etc), our relationship with self, our relationship with others (human beings) and our relationship or understanding of Divine Power/Belief/God.
We seek to understand what is true and real. We live in a world of do and don't, a world of right and wrongs, a world of good and evil. We want to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We are willing to abuse, harm, and destroy others who get in our way for what we believe to be true. Wars are fought, votes are given, and debates rage over what is right and wrong. We often misquote, misconstrue, misled the views and lives of those who oppose us so they will be viewed as villains by those who cast votes or have the power to stop them. Yet, there is a hunger in all of us to know the truth.
We look to outside sources for truth. We look at the experiences we have had to determine what is real. We see these experiences in the light of what we have been taught (tradition), what we see to be rational and logical (reason), and what our religion or no religion teaches us and shows us. (Holy Writings like the Bible). Yet these sources have a balance. We explore all four to form our ideals of right and wrong, good and evil, and what is acceptable and what is not. Sometimes, we listen to the voices of others to tell us what is true and what is not. We follow them blindly believing what they vocalize or write to be truth.
We live in an evolutionary world. Evolution is the correct word for it denotes gradual change. It's use is inflammatory to some for it refers to a scientific process. In this context, it refers to growth and change in understanding of what is true, what is real, and what is good, and what is right. Religion once demanded that its followers agree that the world is flat not round. Governments and humans once accepted slavery for various reasons. Women were equated as property without the right to vote or hold public office. Having more than one spouse has now become one spouse. Whether we agree or not, change happens. Technological advancements, medical advancements, ideological advancements, and theological advancements have challenged tradition, sacred writings, and experiences. This is called Progressive revelation. Often, one who challenges the norm of tradition, sacred writings, and experiences is labeled a traitor, a heretic, a heathen, a reprobate, and other names to vilify them.
Change happens. Thus, the call for us all is to listen to those who differ in religious understanding and beliefs, who have different skin color, who have a different nationality, who has a different gender, or a different sexual orientation as we seek to understand, apply, and live in an imperfect world.
One of my professors in Bible College was asked one day in class, "why are there so many translations of the Bible" His reply, "to keep the word of God pure". The point is our differences challenge us to find the truth and nothing but the truth. None of us have it alone!
Think about it!
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